
What is Bronchitis?

There are airways (Bronchi) in the lungs which when get inflamed then it is known as Bronchitis.


It is a contagious infection which spreads through air or by direct exposure to the infected person (cough and sputum).

Common symptoms of bronchitis are cough with or without phlegm production, wheezing, chest tightness, and difficulty in breathing.


Prevalence:  It affects children more as compare to adults.  About 7% of children and 6% of adult suffer all over.


What are the types of Bronchitis?

There are mainly 2 types of Bronchitis.  Acute Bronchitis and chronic Bronchitis.


Acute Bronchitis- In acute Bronchitis, person suffers with the symptoms like cough, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, and breathlessness for a short period of time that is 15-21 days (2-3 weeks) maximum.


Chronic Bronchitis- In chronic Bronchitis, person suffers with the symptoms for more than 3 months in a year which continues next year (for 3 or more number of months in a year).


What are the causes of Bronchitis?


It is usually a mixed disease (viral as well as

bacterial); mainly 90% it is viral.

It has other triggering factors which also cause



Other triggering factors are:


1.     Cigarette smoking.

2.     Air pollution (harmful gases, fumes in the environment)

3.     Exposure to toxic gases or fumes outside or in the work area (chemical factory, textile factories, coal mining etc).

4.     Dust, smoke.

5.     Winter season or sudden change of weather can also contribute in the development of bronchitis.

6.     Low immunity level- person having low Immunity can catch hold the disease easily and frequently.


What are the symptoms of Bronchitis

Acute and Chronic Bronchitis have almost same

symptoms like

1.  Cough.

2.  Wheezing.

3.  Difficulty in breathing.

4.  Chest tightness.

5.  Mild fever can be associated with all the

above symptoms.

 Acute Bronchitis has a common cough with or without phlegm production.  Symptoms can last for very short period of time (7-21 days) as compare to chronic Bronchitis.


Chronic Bronchitis has productive cough and the phlegm produced can be from white colour to dark colour (yellow, green, and reddish brown) according to the severity of the infection.  There can be a blood tint in the phlegm.


Prevention of Bronchitis


-Few precautionary methods can be applied like avoiding the triggering factors (dust, harmful fumes, and chemical exposure).  One can use surgical mask to avoid coming in direct contact with the triggering factors.


-Maintaining personal hygiene like regular washing of hands and using hand sanitizer regularly.


-Quitting or cutting down cigarette smoking.


-Avoid going to crowded places where the chance of infection is more.


Diagnoses of Bronchitis


-It is done clinically through the history of the patient (signs and symptoms).

-Examination of the sputum can diagnose whether it is viral or bacterial infection (but this does not make any difference in the disease condition).

- Chest X-ray can be done to rule out other lung diseases like COPD, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, Ca lungs etc 

Treatment of Bronchitis


-Here the treatment is usually based on the symptoms (symptomatic treatment) that is to reduce the cough, wheezing, and chest tightness and difficulty in breathing.

-Cough syrups are used for cough relief.


-Corticosteroids are used mostly to relieve the symptoms.


-Inhalers and bronchodilators are used in case of chest tightness and difficulty in breathing.


Homeopathic treatment for Bronchitis


 Homeopathic treatment is given according to the overall symptoms of

the patient right from head to toe and the symptoms related to his

behaviour, nature, emotional levels.  This makes a constitutional

treatment according to the Homeopathic principles.


 Here Homeopathic medicines increase the immunity level and thus decrease the chance of frequent infection got from the environment and the affected person.


It takes care of the other symptoms like cough, wheezing, difficulty breathing and chest tightness. And helps to fight with the disease.


According to the chronicity and severity of the disease Homeopathic course of treatment can be decided.



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