What is Homeopathy
is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is the modern
branch of medical science discovered by a German doctor, Dr Samuel Hahnemann in
word homeopathy is derived from two Greek words
means similar
means sufferings.
simply means that any substance (in crude form) which can produce symptoms in a
healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a sick person, when given in the
form of medicines (potentised or refined form). This is nature’s law of cure
which is called as ‘Like Cures Like’. Homeopathy is based on this nature’s law
of cure.
Here are two examples to
explain ‘Like cures Like’
1) Overuse of coffee causes sleeplessness.
Homeopathic medicine ‘Coffea cruda’ which is prepared from Coffee beans cures
2) Onion makes your eyes water. That’s why it’s used in homeopathic remedy
‘Allium Cepa’ for allergies.
This idea (law of cure) was
understood by Father of Allopathic medicines, Hippocrates and was also
mentioned in ancient Hindu Manuscripts. But It was Master Samuel Hahnemann who
turned it into a science of healing.
Homeopathy stimulates body’s
own healing mechanism, called as Immunity to bring out complete/long lasting
recovery without any negative effect on human body.
per the recent study carried out by IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) homeopathy workson the theory of nanotechnology. This
study showed that medicated homeopathic pill consist of nano particle of
source of medicine.
10 reasons to select Homeopathy for your healthy
1. According to WHO world's 2ndlargest opted
medicinal science for primary health care.
2. Homeopathy is often successful in cases where other
therapies have failed.
3. It reduces the need of conventional medicines in chronic
diseases related to varios organs and systems in human body.
4. Homeopathic medicines are not addictive and it has no
side effects. children and pregnant female can consume it safely. Thus
homeopathy is as safe as mother nature.
5. Homeopathy treats person as a whole by considering
physical, emotional, social, environmental factors responsible for disease in a
Treats the disease at
root level. Gives long lasting/permanent relief rather than just
suppressing the disease.
7. All Homeopathic medicines are FDA approved
8. Homeopathic medicines and Allopathic medicines can co
exist. As Homeopathic medicines start showing positive results, allopathic
medicines can be gradualy reduced even tozero.
Easily taken by children.
Many elective surgeries can be avoided by Homeopathy treatment.