What is GERD?
Gastro esophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a common digestive disorder. Most of the patients complain of having heart burn. GERD results when stomach acid or stomach contents flows back into food pipe( esophagus), this leads to irritation of the lining of the esophagus causing it to become inflamed (esophagitis)
Recurrent inflammations can wear away the esophageal lining over the time, causing complications such as bleeding, esophageal narrowing or Barrett’s esophagus (a precancerous condition).
What causes GERD?
Risk factors leading to GERD are:
1) Sedentary life style – Irregular meal, lack of sleep, fasting for long time etc.
2) Obesity: It can lead to increased pressure on abdomen
3) Pregnancy
4) Smoking / Alcohol intake
5) Asthma
6) Diabetes
7) Hiatus Hernia (Bulging of top of stomach up into the diaphragm )
8) Medications such as calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, painkillers, sedatives and antidepressants.
Symptoms of GERD:
1) Most common symptom of GERD is Heart Burn (Burning feeling in the middle of the chest)
2) Nausea and occasional vomiting
3) Regurgitation (backward flow) or sour liquid ( acid reflux)
4) Pain in chest or in upper part of abdomen
5) Difficulty or pain while swallowing
6) Sensation of lump in throat (globus hystericus)
7) Burping
8) Respiratory symptoms such as dry cough, hoarsness, wheezing etc.
9) Loss of dental enamel
Common signs and symptoms observed in children:
1) Regurgitation/ vomiting
2) Irritability
3) Feeding problem
4) Poor weight gain
1) Heart burn/ acid regurgitation
2) Dysphagia
3) Oesophagitis
4) Asthma
5) Rrecurrent pneumonia
Diagnosis of GERD:
Diagnosis of the GERD is done on the basis of symptoms. To rule out other diseases related to stomach and intestine following common investigations are suggested.
1) Barium X ray of esophagus also called as barium meal or esophagogram
2) Endoscopy – Also called as Oesophageo–Gastro-Dudenoscopy (OGD scopy). It involves viewing of food pipe (Oesophagus), stomach (Gastro) and initial part of intestine with a camera. It is done to rule out ulcers, erosions etc
3) Gastric emptying study
4) Biopsy of esophagus
Homeopathic treatment for GERD
Homeopathic medicines are strongly recommended in all cases of GERD. We at Imperial homeopathy have seen flowing positive effects with medicines.
– Homeopathy arrests the progression of the GERD.
– Homeopathy brings substantial relief in symptoms like heartburn, nausea, vomiting etc
– Homeopathic medicines make bowel movements naturally regular, thus preventing back flow of stomach acid into food pipe.
– With natural and normal bowel movements, digestion improves and motions gets regular
– Complications of GERD e.g. gastric ulcer or peptic ulcers can be avoided
– Most important is patients can gradually stop taking Antacids every now and then.
Duration of treatment:
With homeopathic treatment initial relief in symptoms can be seen within 1-3 weeks. Average time taken by patients varies from 4-12 months as response to the line of treatment varies from patient to patient. Once the homeopathic treatment is over after complete recovery there is no relapse of GERD seen.