palmoplantar psoriasis has been a history now for more than 3 years.
Mr SR (NM 899) a 29 yrs old software engineer
consulted at Imperial Homeopathy in January 2010. He had psoriasis on his palms
and soles since 5 years. He had excessive dryness scaling and deep cuts on his
palms and soles. During every winter and rainy season it used to get aggravated
so much that he could hardly do his routine. Being a software consultant, he
had to operate computers every day but because of his psoriasis he was
not even able to operate his computers. So it was affecting his professional
life also.
He was taking cortisone and antihistamines which used to suppress his lesions
for a specific time but used to make him drowsy n sleepy. He also put on 8-10 kgs
in one year without any change in his routine or diet.
Tired of these side effects he started searching for some
alternate treatment. He came across imperial homeopathy. He was pleased to have
initial inquiry on telephone call with experts at imperial homeopathy.
He visited imperial homeopathy in january 2010. His complete case details were
noted down and his photos were taken.
Based on case details he was given constitutional medicine for 1 month. He was
advised to gradually reduce his cortisone and antihistamine. Also he was told
to apply non medicated moisturizer.
After one month he reported on phone that the only change that he could notice
was reduced intensity of itching even after reducing his antiallergic and
steroid medicine to once in 3-4 days from once in a day.
Again he was given 6 weeks medicines
after 5 months of medicines there was more than 60% relief though it was august
month a rainy season month. His hands were more soft and clear with almost no
itching. He was now completely off steroids and antihistamines.