A 29 years old Home maker had substantial recovery in her allergic rhinitis with imperial homeopathy.

Mrs YA a 29yrs old home maker consulted Pune branch of Imperial Homeopathy in August 2012. she was suffering from allergic rhinitis since 3 years. Her complaints would start with violent sneezing, watery nasal discharge and then dry cough followed by headache. She was allergic to dust, strong smell and pollen grains. Every morning she would be having such episodes.

She was tired of taking antiallergic medicines every day so that she can do her routine properly. However with antiallergic medicines she used to feel drowsy and sleepy. .

She decided to go for imperial homeopathy after one of her in law (patient at imperial homeopathy Navi Mumbai) advised her to do so.

During her first visit in Imperial homeopathy in Pune, on 31st August 2012, all her complaints and other case details were noted in detail. She started with this problem when she faced stress at family level following a property dispute. Her food and water intake was average. However her digestion was weak.

Based on the case details, she was given constitutional medicines for 1 month. She was also given diet advises, Pranayam (Breathing techniques) and stress management techniques to make the recovery faster.

After one months when she reported, the intensity of her sneezing reduced by just 10%. Earlier she used to have 10-12 sneezing every morning which reduced to 5-10 per day. She was anxious about the slow recovery. Doctors advised her to keep patience as such chronic diseases may take time to respond. Again she was given medicine for 1 months.

She reported on 28th October 2012. This time she was happy to give her feedback as there was more than 40 % relief. She did not have to take Antiallergic medicines daily. She felt energetic, with just 3-4 sneezing in morning, no cold, cough. But still after getting exposed to dust or strong smell, she would start getting similar complaints. On asking in detail about her breathing techniques and dietary changes, she admitted that she is not following those tips regularly. After making necessary changes in medicines she was given next one month medicines. Also she was made understand the importance of diet changes and breathing techniques in quick recovery.

Gradually her hypersensitivity to dust, strong smell reduced with medicines and in March 2013 she gave her feedback that she was more than 90% better. She did not have aggravation in winter season or during change of weather. She also mentioned that her body now is not dependent on antiallergic medicine and has no further side effects of those medicines. Now she could have a healthy life with Homeopathy, dietary advises and breathing techniques.

She on same day registered her 20 months old son for the treatment of recurrent cold coryza.