A case of male infertility with abnormal and low sperm count had substantial results with Imperial Homeopathy.

Mr SG, a 31 yrs old male from Jammu (North India) started  online treatment with Imperial Homeopathy in May 2013. (See Semen analysia before and after treatment)

After 2 yrs of married life when Mr and Mrs G could not extend their family, they got all their test done. Mr SG was found to be having abnormal semen analysis. The liquification time of sperm was low (30 min), the count of mobile sperm was low and also sperm were abnormal. Mrs G also was having polycystic ovaries.

Mr SG tried many Allopathic, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicines from renowned doctors but had no positive results.

Mr SG then was refered to Imperial Homeopathy by one of its patient in Sharjah (UAE) who was friend with Mrs G.

Mr G then decided to start with the online treatment with Imperial homeopathy.

After registering online with Imperial Homeopathy in May 2013, Mr G filled up a questionnaire which is a part of online treatment.

He mentioned all the details related to his food and water intake, bladder and bowel movements, sleep, personality type, his past and family history of medical illness. He also submitted his reports of semen analysis.

Based on the case study done in Imperial Homeopathy, the line of treatment was derived along with yoga and pranayam techniques. As he mentioned in the personality type that he takes a lot of stress which hurts him at physical level also.

He was advised to follow stress management technique prescribed for him.

He was given 1 month medicines. When patient gave feedback online after a month, he mentioned that there were positive changes in his digestion which he did not mention during first visit.  He was given a month medicine again after making appropriate changes in medicines.

After three months patient called up to inform about his semen analysis. There were many positive changes in semen analysis. Number of motile sperms had increased, liquification time was normal and most importantly the sperms were normal.

Mr and Mrs G thanked a ton to Imperial Homeopathy for its holistic line of treatment. It not only helped in making sperm count normal, but also helped him calm down and have normal digestion.

Medicines were still continued for Mr SG for further improvement while Mrs G started treatment for her PCOD.