As compared to my earlier Homeopathic treatment, Imperial Homeopathy has helped in drastic reduction of my joint pain. 

Mrs SS a 65 years old housewife from Mumbai India started Imperial Homeopathy treatment for her rheumatoid arthritis in February 2011.  She was suffering from joint pain, swelling, stiffness and deformity since 5 years. She also had vitiligo on her legs and right hand. Initially she started with conventional line of treatment but had just short lasting improvement along with side effects of the same. Then she started having Homeopathic treatment from a renowned Homeopathic physician but after initial mild recovery things were just not working for her. After 1 year of treatment, she stopped it and consulted Imperial homeopathy. She was referred by one of her family friend Mrs AN, who got very good relief in chronic back pain.  Mrs SS was asked about every minute details related to her complaints. It was found that other than genetic predisposition, it was loss of her husband which was a emotional set back for her, triggered her complaints.           She was given her constitutional medicine on 2nd February 2011. Also as a part of holistic treatment she was told some of the exercise and dietary changes to improve process of recovery.                                                 She reported on 3rd February 2011 with hardly any recovery in pain but the sleep was improved. After making necessary changes in medicines she was given next batch of medicine for 6 weeks. Her next feedback was in last week of March, she found 25% improvement in her joint pain and stiffness. Now she was able to do some of her work by herself. The vitiligo spread had stopped.With gradual improvement in her pain swelling and stiffness she reported in January 2012 when she was more than 90% free of her complaints. She was very happy to report that there was no increase in the pain even in winter and rainy season which she was expecting. Now she was able to do all her household work without any discomfort. Also her vitiligo on legs had reduced by 80%.                                    She was advised to discontinue medicines and continue her dietary instructions and physical exercise.                  She came with her grand son in January 2012 for his recurrent cold cough problems. She said that she is still very fine with the complaints and has got a better quality life  with Imperial Homeopathy. Approach may vary from physician to physician. Hence even after Homeopathic treatment she had a good experience with Imperial Homeopathy.